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5441 SE Belmont St
Portland, OR, 97215
United States


Confluence Environmental Center


Confluence Granted 501(c)3 Status

rob loucks

A note from the Confluence Board


Confluence was just informed by the IRS that we’ve been granted tax-deductible status as a public charity under section 501(c)(3). This means that we can now accept tax-deductible contributions retroactive to July 14, 2011.


Thanks to everyone who contributed to our efforts to submit our application to the IRS, and to raise the funds needed for the application. This clears one more hurdle in establishing Confluence as a sustainable and robust organization.


The Confluence Board is currently engaged in a planning and visioning process to develop our future goals. This process will define new initiatives that Confluence may launch in the future.


Thanks again to everyone for being a part of Confluence’s efforts.

We Love Our AmeriCorps Members!

rob loucks

We just want to take a moment to publicly, enthusiastically and honestly appreciate all of the amazing AmeriCorps Members who serve with Confluence. They are the love and the blood of our organization and we couldn't do any of the work we do without their charm, intellect, snappy dressing and dedication to service, .  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Growing Gardens Volunteer Garden Mentors

rob loucks

Confluence AmeriCorps sponsor Growing Gardens is recruiting Volunteer Garden Mentors for the 2013 growing season!

Mentors will work with one or more beginning gardeners enrolled in the Home Garden and Growing Huertos Programs. They will assist Home Gardener(s) with:

  • Garden care
  • Planning for spring/summer/winter gardening
  • Planting, problem-solving, maintenance
  • Worm & compost bin construction
  • Garden winterization

 To find out more visit Growing Gardens’ webpage or email Katie at

MLK Day of Service 2013

rob loucks

This Martin Luther King Jr Day of Service was an extra special event this year because we had the pleasure of partnering with Playworks of Portland to plan and coordinate our MLK Day Service project.  A committee of hard working AmeriCorps members from Confluence and Playworks worked to develop this fun and meangingful Service opportunity.

AmeriCorps members and staff from Confluence and Playworks joined with Woodlawn Methodist Church community members to pack bags of food for the Portland Backpack Lunch Program.  The Portland Backpack Lunch Program provides healthy weekend lunches to students who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford a healthy meal while school is out of session.

Confluence, Playworks and 200+ community members packed over 650 lunches that will be distributed in the coming weeks to 164 students at King, Woodlawn, and Scott elementary schools.  

Thank you to New Seasons, St. Johns Coffee Roaster, Random Order, and Grand Central Bakery for donating tasty food and delicious coffee!

Check out more pictures from the day.

Ray Warren Multicultural Symposium

rob loucks

"The annual Ray Warren Multicultural Symposium is a three-day series of events examining issues of race and ethnicity. Each year a team of students, with faculty and staff involvement, organizes an array of workshops, lectures, readings, panels, and performances, as well as an art show, to bring people together for conversations about issues such as immigration, public health, civil liberties, and education. All students are invited to participate in the planning process, and the interdisciplinary nature of the symposium appeals to students from across the College."

November 7-9

Welcome Stephanie!

rob loucks

A warm welcome to Stephanie Levine, our newest AmeriCorps memeber to join us here at Confluence. Stephanie is the Community Outreach Specialist at CUB.

$10 Fundraiser Dinner for Portland Fruit Tree Project

rob loucks

Whole Foods on Fremont (3535 NE 15th Ave) is hosting a fundraiser for Portland Fruit Tree Project (PFTP) on Thursday Oct. 25th from 5-7pm.

The theme is "Build a Bowl: Beans, Greens, and Lean Proteins". For only $10 you'll get a delicious dinner, PLUS all of your $10 will go towards PFTP!
Whole Foods is asking that you RSVP to, with the subject "PFTP Dinner" and the number of adults/kids in your party, so they know how much food to make.

Portland Fruit Tree Project is the sponsoring site of Confluence AmeriCorps Member Spencer Masterson





New AmeriCorps Position

rob loucks

Just announced: an AmeriCorps position for a Community Outreach Coordinator with CUB.  This 11 month position is open for immediate filling.

This position will expand and engage in extensive community outreach around Electric Vehicle Education with a specific focus on the environmental and consumer issues in underserved communities.

Download the full Position Description and begin your application process.


CUB Policy Center’s Sponsorship Experience

rob loucks

Guest post from SA Anders, Director of Operations at CUB and Confluence AmeriCorps Sponsor

In 2011, as Confluence Environmental Center was getting off the ground, we got a call.

"You’re in!" Lara told us, and my colleague Andrea Crosby and I high-fived over the desk. We’d just been told that our application to host an Americorps service member for the 2011-2012 program year had been approved, and our two-week whirlwind of a process had just paid off. We were officially an Americorps sponsor!

For Andrea, a former member of the  Peace Corps, and myself, the product of service learning institution Berea College, approaching this opportunity was a no-brainer. The non-profit we work for, the CUB Policy Center, was just starting to expand its mission of outreach, education, and professional development, and Confluence’s Americorps program was primed to partner with us on all three.

With two weeks before members were set to start, we went into recruitment overdrive, reaching out into networks across Oregon and the country to put our position opening in front of potential applicants. And we were amazed at the quality of those candidates—from students completing masters on their way to PhDs, to folks looking for an entry into the world of energy and environment as a second career. It was a tough process, because so many of the candidates were amazing. And what set them apart was their interest in and passion for service—service to the community, to Americorps, and to our mission.

We were so lucky that Emmaline Pohnl, our service member for our first program year, was the perfect fit for our organization and the program we were working to develop. She took initiative, was a leader in her Americorps class, and really elevated CUB’s outreach program to a new, exciting level.  

If there’s one thing I would convey to potential and new sponsors of Confluence Environmental Center’s program, it’s this: hosting an Americorps member is a unique opportunity that can bring vigor and enthusiasm to your organization.  It’s an amazing opportunity to foster the education and growth of a remarkable Americorps member; Andrea and I have grown through our mentoring.  Our organization has increased visibility and credibility through the program done in partnership with Confluence –the numbers on the wall increase week by week as more folks learn about our organization’s programs is deeply satisfying.

Being an Americorps sponsor is an experience not to be missed.

SA Anders is the Director of Operations of the CUB Policy Center; she and her colleague Andrea Crosby, Program Manager, supervise Americorps sponsorship and mentoring. If you have any questions about the sponsor experience, reach out to them at and

AmeriCorps Member Orientation Starts Today

rob loucks


Today we welcome our 2012-13 AmeriCorps Members for their first day of Orientation. We're excited for another year of amazing people doing fantastic work that is vital to our environment and our community. Be on the look out for these inspired and dedicated folks in your neighborhood, forest, office and community.


Change Agent Project

rob loucks


From Pritha Golden + Karin Pfeiffer-Hoyt's School Garden Summer Maintenance Plan

In the spirit of fostering leadership, personal growth and a commitment to community each of our AmeriCorps Members complete a Change Agent Project, or CAP, during their Term of Service. 

CAP is an independently directed project designed and executed by each AmeriCorps Member or sometimes in partnerships with other AmeriCorps Members. 

CAP is built into the schedule of each Member and is an integral and exciting part of being an AmeriCorps Member with Confluence. 

Click HERE to see a full list of our 2011-12 Member's CAPs with links to articles, videos and downloads about their projects.

Commencement 2012

rob loucks


Thank you to our world class AmeriCorps members and sponsors for an amazing first year!  It was a privilege to share the year with you and honor to celebrate your accomplishments.  We wish you the best in all you do.  We know it will be amazing.

Confluence Commencement 2012

1st Annual CAS Was A Smashing Success

rob loucks

The June Key Delta Center opened their doors to the Confluence AmeriCorps program on June 27th for our First Annual Confluence Achievement Symposium.  The Symposium was a fantastic success offering AmeriCorps Members a chance to share their achievements with the community, their peers and other professionals. 

The day started with a wondeful lunch and was followed by a range or presentations and closed with a poster and networking session.

Welcome Svetlana

rob loucks

Welcome Svetlana Pell, our newest AmeriCorps member. She is the Volunteer Green Street Stewardship Coordinator with the City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Service.

Svetlana will be recruiting and training community volunteers, with a focus on ethnically diverse communities and at-risk youth, to partner with BES in the care of Green Streets

Board of Directors formed

rob loucks

On March 20th, the Confluence Environmental Center cleared another milestone when the Board of Directors met for the first time and signed the bylaws.  This officially incorporates Confluence as a nonprofit in Oregon and moves us closer to becoming a federally recognized nonprofit.

Get to know our Board of Directors


Cesar Chavez Day of Service 2012

rob loucks


Confluence AmeriCorps members and Staff honored the life and work of Cesar Chavez on March 31st by dedicating a day of Service at Adelante Mujeres' La Esparanza Farm in Forest Grove. 

Rachel Plett, Pritha Golden and Karin Pfeiffer-Hoyt, the Chavez Day committee, worked hard to create a meaningful day of service that was also an opportunity to learn about Chavez's struggle for the rights of farm workers.  We helped to clean and organize the farm shed and grounds and made biodegradable pots out of newspaper for the farmers to use to plant their seedlings. 

The Oregonian spent the afternoon with us and wrote an article about our service day that includes nice pictures of our members and staff in action!

A big thank you to Dovetail Bakery, Back to Eden and Arbor Lodge for donating vegan pastries and coffee to our event.